format dictionary meaning

copy - definition of copy by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus.
ab·stract ( b-str kt , b str kt ). adj. 1. Considered apart from concrete existence: an abstract concept. 2. Not applied or practical; theoretical. See Synonyms at.
Answer 8 multiple choice questions on the definition of words; a lesson in using a . Short, printable picture dictionaries - each with 26 pages in PDF format.
Kids.Net.Au - Dictionary > Definition: format.
format dictionary meaning
quarto - definition of quarto by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus.LP (format) - definition of LP (format) by the Free Online Dictionary.
open house - definition of open house by the Free Online Dictionary.
ab·stract ( b-str kt , b str kt ). adj. 1. Considered apart from concrete existence: an abstract concept. 2. Not applied or practical; theoretical. See Synonyms at.
Answer 8 multiple choice questions on the definition of words; a lesson in using a . Short, printable picture dictionaries - each with 26 pages in PDF format.
Definition of affiche in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of affiche.. De plus, le prix moyen affiche pour un petit format de boisson gazeuse ou de boisson a.
dictionary - definition and examples of English dictionaries.
Noun, 1. formatted capacity - (computer science) the usable capacity of a disk.
retain - definition of retain by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus.
incremental - definition of incremental by the Free Online Dictionary.
o·pen-end·ed ( p n- n d d). adj. 1. Not restrained by definite limits, restrictions, or structure. 2. Allowing for or adaptable to change. 3. Inconclusive or indefinite:.